Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Life... as we should know it!

       There's something that always moves on, making all of us little older moment by moment. It moves little by little and never lacks or hastes... just moves in an orderly fashion. Everything can be brought back, even for the record, we can stop a arrow released from a bow, but no chances of success with this. We wonder as it passes by what 've we done and what it will bring to us, to our surrounding, and will it affect our past...?

The thing I'm talkin' here about is... Time. It's the factor that affects... no! Controls our life and everyone around us. Though anyone denies it, it's a fact for sure. Time passes by us and we always wonder about our past, present and future. We worry about our future always... how it'll be, what things are there for us in future! And we are excited about it. We think of our past. We sometimes do get concerned about the deeds of our past. There are things that we regret, some things we always remember and some things that we want to forget but never get rid of 'em. In all these past and future worries... we really forget the Present and tend to just let it pass by. There goes your time, just passes by you without you noticing it. We might 've lived some memorable moments and cherish 'em for the rest of our lives... that is when we 've (mistakenly) LIVED... 'cuase we, most of the time are crowded by the regrets of past and worries of future!

Don't let time just pass by you... It'll pay you great deal if you try to live it, for you... for your loved ones.
We, the Humans are a race that by God grace, are aware of this quantity - time! but we are too busy with our hasty lives to appreciate it. As we grow older, we remember what energy we had is our glory days(the youth). But we are too busy to "expand" our glory than to sit and think and 've a moment with ourselves and close ones and live that moment and make it memorable. So that when we grow older and obviously 've to sit at once... 'cause at that moment Time is the  commanding one in our life, it orders us to sit and think of everything. Suddenly or eventually we realize, I surely missed something, though "I was a Success..." but unfortunately it has passed and will never come back. We can never stop time or pause it, just can make best of it. I once saw this in a movie, it said something sort of this, time passes and can never be rewound so we 've to make
choices and make it right else we are screwed. The point to take here is that we are under constant pressure to make choices and to make the right ones... that hammers our mind and we make silliest mistakes trying to grab greedily as much as we can. As we do it we tend to forget what effects it will make on others that are linked to the choices we make. I don't say that all of us do this, but unfortunately the majority of us are doin' it and some of 'em don't even care to analyse it.

It's a great thing to fantasize, What if We can stop time? wouldn't it be just great and live like that as long as we wont. The youth will never fade and we will remain in our Glory days as long as we want. No worries, no tensions and nothing to worry about regarding time, 'cause it has just stopped. But ... what good will it bring... living like a youth all the time or be in your teen or whatever age you are if you don't move on. There's a great pleasure in getting older and
MOVING ON! believe me... Whatever you do ... good things or bad... you move on! Because you just did it and you wont be able to go back and relive it. So the best thing to do is, whatever we do, think at least ONCE before doin' it... and think what effect it will 've on others. But while doin' this don't kill yourself with just thinking 'cause remember YOU 'VE TO MAKE A CHOICE at last! So as Time passes by live it the best way you can, involve others in you life, 'cause at the end of day you'll think about it no matter how stubborn you are... everyone thinks about their past! Life is a plain white sheet and time is your ink... so write the best words of yours! It doesn't has to be legendary and historic always... it just has to be written. And when you will read your life at end and if you 've written it involving your loved ones, and the people distantly related to you, you will be content!
We are born ... we live ... and then we die! three simple things or shall I say stages that happen with us...
The first and the third stage 've effects on everyone around us... but the middle stage is what matters the most. The way we performed in that stage determines Us... It's not about Success always, it's about how you lived and what you made out of yourself as you are out of your Ink.

When someone will read your life let them 've a smile and think that they are really grateful to 've you in there lives and they are happy to note you down in their sheet too. I would only say this for me... no matter how much I live I will never burden myself to make a right choice, I'll just think once what effect it will bring to my surrounding and as my guess goes my conscience will make the choice... which eventually be right(I hope). Stop worryin' too much, just think once before writing with your Ink, it'll bring a great differene to Us... the human race!


  1. nice one..seems sum stagnant day u gav a thought tht made u scrrible these lines..kip goin...!! :)


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    Its a NGO
